
The Ephesian Letter is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this careful consideration of one of the best loved books of the New Testament, Chafer presents neither a commentary nor an exegesis of the book of Ephesians, but a doctrinal examination. Breaking up the book into sections, he addresses key themes and teachings in this book. Chafer provides historical and theological context as well, giving a holistic view of Ephesians. Presenting solid...

is otherwise doomed, which mercy has been made possible through Christ’s death as the sinner’s Substitute bearing his justly imposed condemnation. Likewise, it should be observed that, when man fell, he descended to a level so low that he became only and forever an object of divine grace. So long as virtue and goodness have existed their opposite, evil, has been at least a conceivable thing, though without the slightest possibility of expression before the creation of angels and man. But the problem
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